
Creating Explosion Effect

1.I start a new document 640x480.
2. Now open the mud image up, on the dirt image, do a CTRL+A to select all, then go to the new document you just created and press CTRL+V to paste the image.
3. The cracks are dark, so we'll invert the image so it becomes white, this will give it a better explosion effect. so go to Image » Adjustment » Invert (or press CTRL+I).
4. Now use the eliptical marquee tool and make a large round selection on the image. Hold SHIFT while you create the selection to make a perfect round circle.
5. Now go to Select » Inverse,
Then hit Delete so you are left with a circle from the mud image. DO NOT DESELECT YET.
6. Now, while you still got your selection, go to SELECT » INVERSE again to select the shape.
7. Now go to Filter » Distort » Spherize. Set amount to 100%. Then do it again, this time, 50%. You can now deselect.
8. Now, lets fill the background layer (the layer underneath the mud layer) with black.
Then go to Layer » Flatten Image
Now go to Filter » Sharpen » unsharp Mask.
Amount: 500%. Radius: 1.7px. Threshold: 122 levels 9. Go to Filter » Distort » Polar Co-ordinates.
Options: Polar to Rectangular.
10.Go to: Image » Rotate Canvas » 90CW.
11. Apply: Filter » Stylize » Wind
Method: Wind. Direction: From the right. Hit CTRL+F to reapply
12. Go to: Image » Rotate Canvas » 90CCW
13. Finally, apply Filter » Distort » Polar Coordinates.
Options: Rectangular to Polar.14.There you go, now all you do is just play around with colors, by either using Image » Hue and Saturation, or Image » Color Balance.
I use color balance in the image below

Cartoons Eyes

Open up a new document - I used white background - and create a new layer called Eyeball.

Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and make a perfect circle selection by pressing Shift while dragging the selection. Fill your selection with white color and apply these layer styles.

Now create a new layer - call this layer Eye.
Now drag a new

circle selection and fill this selection with your desired eye color.

Then apply some Inner Glow layer style with these settings.

Create a new

layer and call this layer Pupil.

Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool again to make a new circle and fill the selection with black color.

Then make the final layer - c

all this layer Reflection.

Again use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to make a selection similar to mine in figure 3 - and fill the selection with white.

Use the transform option (Edit - Transform - Rotate) to rotate the white Reflection layer like shown in figure 4, and nudge the layer up and to the right until you get it into the right position.

And that's it!

Below is a couple of characters I made to give you some inspiration :)

Smoke Effect

Step 1 : 
Open a new file by clicking on File>Open. Give a dark background color because you can not see smoke in day light much. Here we gave Black color. Create a new layer. Draw the image of the smoke with Polygonal Lasso Tool. Give a lighter color gradient to the new shape. Make sure it' s a Linear gradient. Here we have given Purple to White gradient.

3D sphere

This tutorial teaches you how to create a 3D ball in a few simple steps using Photoshop CS. 
Step 1 
Open your canvas. Press D. (to set default foreground and background colors) Press Alt+Backspace to fill the canvas with black color. Create a new layer by clicking on the 'Create a new layer' icon at the bottom of the layers panel.  

Step 2

Select the Elliptical marquee tool from the toolbar, with the shift key down draw a circle on the canvas. The circle is marked with a dashed line. 
Step 3
Click on the black foreground color on the toolbar and select your favorite color, I selected blue. Now press Alt+Backspace, the circle is shaded with the color now.
Step 4 
Create another new layer the same way how you did in the first step. 
Step 5 
Now we'll use the airbrush to give some shading. Click on the brush tool on the toolbar. Just below the main menu you'll see the brush settings. Give the settings as in the image below. 
Press D to make the foreground color to black. With the brush paint gently around the ball, keep the position of the brush as seen in the image on the right.  
Step 6
Create a new layer. Press x to set the foreground color to white. With the same sized brush paint the edge as seen in the image below and also shade the top of the ball.

Making Bubble

Learn how to create bubbles using Photoshop. It's very easy. Make many bubbles as seen below. 
1. Open a new file by clicking on File>Open. 
2. Make a blue color background by choosing the a blue foreground color

and filling the canvas using the Paint Bucket Tool.
3. Make a circle with Elliptical Marquee Tool. Press the shift key, so that the circle comes round.

4. Go to Dodge tool. Select Brush as 29 or more depending on your bubble and Range as Highlights and Exposure as 50%. 
5. Then on the left corner of the bubble drag the dodge tool four times in the same place to give the highlight in the bubble. 

6. Make gentle strokes around the bubble with the dodge tool to get the following effect. 
Your Bubble is ready, just press ctrl+D to deselect the outline of the circle. 
You can make as many bubbles as you want like that, even small and big, just repeat the process. 
Congratulations! Your Bubble is ready.